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Meet Our Team

Meet our experienced team members!

Patient Care Coordinators

Paige Wolff  joined the ECCN team in October 2021. Paige is a Baxter native and lives there with her fiancé, Kyle, and their two cats, Max and Butters.

Taryn Wickliff joined our team in June 2020 as a Patient Care Coordinator and is excited to join the Optical Team later this summer! Taryn is a Newton native and currently resides here with her husband, Cameron. They have two children, Xavier and Quinn.

Miranda Balmer joined our team in August 2017 as a Patient Care Coordinator but now is our Insurance Coordinator. She became CPO Certified in May 2019.  Miranda is a Newton native who currently resides in Baxter. She has two daughters, Payton and Emma.


Katie Chisholm  joined the ECCN team in March 2023.  Katie is a Newton native and resides here with her boyfriend, Gabe.


Logan Kiger joined the ECCN team in July 2018. Logan resides in Newton with her husband, Noah, and their dog, Gunner.

Karie Gilchrist joined our optical team in November 2020. Karie resides in Newton with her husband, Nick, and son, Lucas.

Mara Schwenker joined the team in September 2012 and became CPO certified in 2014. Mara and her husband, Brian, have lived in Newton since 1993 They have two children, Brenna (Travis) and Breyton.

Ange Sevenbergen rejoined our team in September 2012 and is the Optical Area Leader. Ange is both ABO and CPO certified. Ange has worked in the optical field for over 14 years. She lives in Newton with her husband, Scott. They have three children, Blake, Haley & Jane.

Patient Care Technicians

Sarah Davidson joined the ECCN team in May 2011 and became CPO certified in 2014. Sarah is a Newton native and resides here with her husband, Dave, and they have three children, Riley, Trey and Quincy.

Theresa Shafer has been a member of the team since September 2000.  Theresa has been CPO certified since 2000 and has been working in this field for over 25 years. She resides in Newton with her husband, Lance, twin boys Ben & Nick plus their two dogs, Blitzen & Chestnut.

Michele Nelson joined the team in July 2013. She became CPO certified in 2014. Michele has lived in Newton for over 21 years. She has a significant other, Terry, plus two grown children, Eric and Alex.

Amy Coady joined the ECCN team in October 2018 and became CPO certified in 2023. Amy is a Newton native.  She is married to her husband, Luke, and they have three children, Sophia, Liam and Ava.

Angie Peery joined our team in July 2014. She is also a Newton native. She is married to her husband, Chris, and they have two children, Kennedy and Claire.